Specialty Gas

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C4F7N / Perfluoroisobutyronitrile / Insulating Gas

Perfluoroisobutyronitrile (C4F7N) is a new type environmentally friendly insulating and arc quenching gas
that used for sustainable alternative sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
As insulating and arc quenching gas, perfluoroisobutyronitrile has many key features and benefits, such as
0 ODP and very low GWP, excellent dielectric and arc quenching properties, Compatible with equipment components,
Non-flammable, low toxicity, etc…

C4F7N Molecular Structure
· Production Description
Items Specification
Chemical Name Perfluoroisobutyronitrile,
Chemical formula (CF3)2CFCN
Molecular formula C4F7N
CAS No. 42532-60-5
Molecular weight (g/mol) 195
GWP100 yr 2100
Atmospheric lifetime (years) 30

· Packaging Information: 5L/10L/44L Cylinder
· Typical Physical or Chemical Properties
Attributes Values
Chemical Name Perfluoroisobutyronitrile
Boiling point (℃) -4.7
Freezing point (℃) -118
Critical temperature (℃) 112.8
Critical pressure (psia) 363
Gas density (lb/ft3, @14.5 psia,) 0.49
Vapor pressure (kPa, @20℃) 253
Flash point (℃) No flash point